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MemberTo have a Oort only teamspeak is at the moment a little bit useless because there isn’t that much content at the moment^^ I’m definetely checking the server out today with a friend. Maybe we meet^^
MemberSure a master could do many things which an apprentice couldn’t but what if two masters compete? One is a fresh lvl 100 smith and the other is already a while lvl 100. The one which is longer in business may have made more swords than everything else so he’d use less ressources to get the stats the costumer wants. Therefore the fresh master could either make a lot of swords and compete with the older one or spezialize in another weapon type like a scythe. Now there are two smiths and you know to which one you have to go if you want a really good sword or scythe.
MemberWell that was a lot to read xD I like your ideas except for one. Randomization should be there. Not even the smartest person can calculate everything that will happen when you have any chemical reaction. So why should you as a player be in full control over everything?
Read the thread about this question were we had some good ideas on how to implement the random factor.Kuma
MemberYes but higher levels should have higher chances of getting better stats maybe raise the minimum stat. Instead of 0-30 with lvl 50 you have a range of 20-30. So a master smith would truly be superior to other regular smiths. And as said before maybe add some kind of experience with one kind of weapon which lessens the chance of getting bad stats as you forge them more often.
MemberYea like you gain experience with forging this kind of weapon or something like this so you fail less.
MemberIt sounds interesting as a concept but I wouldn’t copy it^^
MemberWell like I said with lvl based “luck” it wouldn’t be completely randomised and make even more sense. You can not do everything on the first try so why not implement that a bit in the game?^^
MemberAre floating Islands or like a ruptured World possible? (Dragon Hunters anyone?^^) Or like mentioned in another topic change the physic properties of the world like gravity? (when gravity and stuff is added of course^^)
And is it possible to have a snowstorm on top of a mountain while the beach further down has rain or maybe even sun? In the video it seemed like there could only be one state of weather in a world. (maybe they just didn’t know how to add it in^^)Kuma
MemberLet’s test it on her server and if we need more space we can still discuss it here.
MemberOh that’s very nice thanks. I might do that^^
MemberWell I might give it a try today (before sleeping) or today (after sleeping) but be warned of my unnativ tongueness^^
MemberI almost thought that^^ But well maybe someday^^
MemberIs this a teamspeak server?
Maybe talking isn’t as appealing to non nativ english speaking players as it is for the native speaking ones. Maybe if you would add different channels for different languages it would be great. (or is everyone but me on there? xD)Kuma
MemberLooks good but I would have made a Timelapse out of it. Maybe 15-20 minutes total.