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MemberIt depends, firstly I have to see them. Then there’s the question: go about asthetics or attributes? If my wishes come true then they’ll make every race have fairly similiar stats with just some special abilitys like under water breathing, faster movement, flying. So you can take the character that looks the most fun to you, without having to think which one will fit the best for your playstyle because of the attributes.
To the question, I’ll probably take the flying one or, if this is not possible, the fast one. But who knows how the whole character thing will play out…Kuma
MemberAt the moment there’s no way to do that, unfortunately
Memberexactly my thoughts.
Membersomehow this were the best suggestions I’ve read till now for this particular and very important piece of game mechanic.
MemberI could cope with the idea of slowly loosing my skills with time if I don’t use them (maybe just in your online time?) but I’m strictly against a lvl cap of any sort like you can only get so good with various weapons until the points of one weapon go to another.
MemberIf the leveling gets implemented as most of us wish at the moment then you’ll never have the problem to start a new char just because your old one is focused on something because it wouldn’t go any faster to level from 0 in a new way than just level your normal chara. Ultimately, it would be slower because most likely you’ll already have leveled whatever skill while concentrating on the branch your good at at the moment.
The race thing is something else. But well, here I say choose wisely and live with it. Or restart your one char^^Kuma
MemberI could imagine that this minigame would become very boring very fast. Especially if you had to grind your way up to the max level of a skill. And if you wouldn’t have to then it would be too easy to get everything to the max lvl.
MemberOk you got a point there^^ I saw that you gave credit to the original poster, something you don’t see everyday.
MemberI’m still for every single point of yours^^ but If I remember correctly did we discuss every point already, except for the amorphic worlds (and maybe the deku tree world).
They would be great and I’m not sure if possible, but if anyone can do it then the guys from wonderstruck^^Kuma
Membersounds like a plan^^
MemberFor me it’s the same as with smithing. Random stats are good but the higher your lvl is the less random the stats should get i.e. the better,consistently better, weapons/tools/whatever you should be able to make. And you should be able to control the randomness to a certain degree with knowledge you gain, independently from your level, about the materials or the making process.
you might have already read this:
MemberYea I love FTB (not so much the newer packs^^) but if they make something similar in Oort then it should be much harder to obtain/build/create because FTB is to easy as I remember it.
MemberIf it has to be implemented (I’m not a fan of it) then it should be off by default and there should be an option to turn it on. For me it breaks the immersion.
MemberThat’s what I like about the Oort Team. This extra effort for the players and not the moneys sake
MemberOh I love this idea! It would require the restriction of building your own portals from and to OAO, except the lowest layer, but other than that I’d say it’s entirely possible! I hope so hard this will be a thing. Themed worlds or even world networks *_* *dreams away*