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ParticipantIt’s no problem, as long as I get the answers before I can buy it. Thank you Yotes for clearing things up 🙂
ParticipantNPCs can be discussed here:
Depending on the crafting system, recipes could or could not work. If it were like Minecraft where you placed items across a grid, recipes would only make sense as a way to share a crafting recipe with others, but you don’t need the recipe to make the item. If you craft the item by clicking on an icon like in Terraria, crafting recipes could be needed to learn how to make an item, or you would just need the materials to make it with no recipe needed. Recipes are mentioned on the main website when you hover over the “Craft exclusive weapon” perk in the packages: “When you start the game you have access to a recipe to craft an exclusive weapon that cannot be crafted by non-backers.” This sounds like you do need recipes to craft items. Personally, I like being able to craft anything I want as long as I have the proper materials and crafting tables.
ParticipantThere should be a bell curve to gravity levels on worlds. The average world would have a gravity of/around 1, while some worlds would have a 0.2 gravity modifier and others could have 5x normal gravity. This would make worlds more unique and gravity can even vary (but probably not greatly) from biome to biome within each world.
ParticipantI also disagree with weekly and daily worlds. I think some worlds should have different materials, some having really valuable and rare ones, some just having lame low-tier materials. Worlds are going to regenerate their materials anyways. Once you’ve discovered a good world with nice rare materials, you can start colonizing it if you’d like.
Also, I think every world should have PVP enabled.
ParticipantI really agree with Havok40k on how pay to win hurts other players and player interaction. I say if it benefits you in game, it shouldn’t be bought with real money. Vanity items make sense as an extra source of revenue. Vanity items, race changes, and extra character slots should be able to be bought with real money, if anything. I’m pretty sure you can rent private servers but those should have no affect on the main server.
I would hate to see the ability to buy things like extra inventory spaces, items like tools, armor, and materials, or companions.
ParticipantThere should be many uses for companions, but you can’t find them all in one.
There should be companions with wool you can harvest, milk you can harvest, excrement you can utilize, and more. There should be uses like carrying some items (all should be able to do this, some could carry more. You could increase their inventory as discussed here: ), defending you (all should be able to do this, some better than others. It would be great if you could put armor on companions), or even things like plowing a field. There should be special attributes in some species, such as glowing in the dark, producing paralyzing saliva (causing paralysis through bites), or even breathing fire.
An interesting idea would be inter species variability. This might be hard to implement but would be very cool. Within a species, each creature would have different health, stamina, strength, etc. If this existed, it would create many more reasons to breed your animals. There could be breeding to create very strong and sturdy defense animals. Really, you could further breed your companions to better do their tasks, or better do every task. It would be great if you could correctly breed for generations to the point of creating your companion that has better stats than any of its species in the wild.
With mounts, there should be a few kinds: land, water, and air. All water mounts would probably need to be amphibious, and air mounts should be able to walk and run on land. Land mounts would be the easiest to tame, water would be harder, and air would be the hardest. While the best land mount would be better than the worst air mount, the best air mount would be much better than the best land mount. Mounts should have their uses as any normal creature, but with the ability to ride them. You would know if your newly tamed creature is ride-able or not by checking it’s inventory/armor. If there is a slot for a saddle, it can be ridden.
The last thing I’ve thought of is more of a fantasy than an obtainable reality, but it’s a cool idea to play with. The idea is inter-species breeding. If you could take your tamed creature that produces wool and bred it with one that you can ride, you would create a new creature with a chance of having a mixture of its parents attributes and abilities. Possibly, this new creature could be mounted and would produce wool. This idea would fit into the game lore-wise, as on the main website it’s said: “Since the creation of Portals by The Oort, creatures from different worlds have been free to roam throughout the universe and breed.” I like the idea of taking your companions from different worlds and breeding them.
ParticipantSome things to think about with sprinting:
Would you do more damage with a melee attack while sprinting?
Do you have stamina that would be used by sprinting? Would this stamina be used in other actions such as attacking? Is there a way to increase your max stamina? Can sprinting for periods of time increase it?
Can your armor or inventory affect your top speed? (Personally I wouldn’t want your amount of items or your armor on you slow you down, I would only like being able to increase your speed through enchantments on your armor) Can your race affect your top speed?
Can you sprint while on a mount? (This would be very cool) Can your mount increase their stamina) Can you attack from your mount? Would sprinting on a mount while firing an arrow cause the arrow to do more damage?
There are loads of things to consider.
ParticipantWhat if when you made your character, there were a set number of starter races (say 6). After awhile if you managed to level your character a lot (if they were to implement a leveling system), played for a certain, or anything else that could make sense, you could level your race. By this I mean you would be able to further select your race, or evolve/age. There would be a number of choices (for example 5) you could choose from, each having different bonuses added to the game. There would be no cons from evolving/aging, only benefits. It could be hard to choose which one though, but the benefits would fit different play styles. There could be several evolutions throughout the life of your character, adding uniqueness, benefits to your play style, and giving you something to strive for.
ParticipantHey everyone. I’m Patrick, I’m 17 from California, USA. I accidentally found this game on steam, and I’m glad I did. This game looks great and has a lot of potential, I’m excited to see what it grows into and hopefully I can be a part of it.
And Thorbjorn, I saw stonehearth on kickstarter, too haha. I wanted to back it but I didn’t have the money at the time. How do you like Alpha 6?
ParticipantThank you Yotes. 🙂 It’s no problem as I won’t have the money to purchase anything until early January.
Okay so Wayfarer I receive all stated benefits on site for one key, plus a basic launch key. Two Wayfarer packages would cost $190, and Pioneer costs me $250. Everything is exactly the same between two Wayfarer packages and one Pioneer package, except on Pioneer I will have 20% (if my math is correct) more beacon range on the two instant access keys. So if I’m correct, would choosing the Pioneer package over two Wayfarer packages be paying $60 to upgrade the beacon range by 20% on the two instant access keys?
Another question, you said that the early access keys receive all the rewards listed on the website, does that mean the Master package comes with 4 instant access keys that can each design and name a world? I see that there’s an asterisk near that detail in the package, but I couldn’t find any info on the website about it.
ParticipantWhat sort of uses can you imagine for gold? What if the currency was something you can use as a power source, a crafting material, or to upgrade items? If it were a power source it could be souls, then you use souls to power certain items like a jetpack, energy sword, or a special shield. Higher tier items would take more souls (maybe you craft fuel cells or they would take souls per second). If it were a crafting material maybe you can make special conductive material, a decorative block, or somehow used in making portals and beacons. If you could upgrade items, maybe you can turn a giant 2h warhammer into a gravity hammer with a new design, a pickaxe into an even faster one, or your armor into having a higher defense against physical/range/magic damage. Higher tier items would take more money.
Maybe you can even use money to enchant things.
But if it has any uses, where’s the line between currency and item?
ParticipantI agree Kuma. Could either of you explain what daily and weekly worlds are?
ParticipantThe only problem would be how to implement something like this. I like this idea a lot, I could enjoy playing with NPCs like this. We need to get the devs in here and hear if it’s possible.
ParticipantI completely agree with Kuma.
I was about to say myself that I liked all of your ideas except I don’t like level cap and I really don’t like the idea of mastering only some professions. I like your post and I can see you put some work into it.
Usually I don’t play magic in games and just go 2h weaponry, but this seems cool, fun, and new to me. How could you implement this magic system in Oort and how could you select and cast spells?