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  • in reply to: Treasure hunt!!! #8037

    Sounds like a good idea. Would be cool to have a ingame race ^^. How’s about a litle add-on to this: Let there be ranks for treasure hunter (next to others like hunter, builder, conquerer, …) which gives you access to some item skins so that you can show others what you have reached with your hobby 😉

    in reply to: Death Toll #8036

    I would dislike any permanent drops of Items (next to gold, durability of items or xp), but Like the idea of a temporary debuff (like -25% on all stats till a counter (time, xp or “work”) is over). Losing more then only gold/durability/xp will cause “easy playing” people like my wife not play this game. I would like if there would be some kind of a lootable grave for the player, so if he gets back he can pick up (a part of) the stuff he lost (at least some gold and xp).

    May be, if the “hardliners” still want their permanent-lose-system, it can be diffenent between worlds (for example: You only lose some xp/dur./gold on “save worlds” but more on “hardcore” worlds. On Soft-PvP-Worlds you lose a percentage of your stuff and others can pick it up, but on Hard-PvP-Worlds you lose everything except what you have in your hands and belt (and ppl can loot your grave).

    in reply to: Slopes, Slants and Sideways Blocks. #8035

    Sounds great. I think it should add some nice building possibilities 🙂

    in reply to: Longer Underwater Breathing #8034

    jepp, would be nice *thumbs-up*

    in reply to: Travel #7832

    Elevators, lifts, (Tenser’s) floating discs, assambly lines, portable holes … Yeah, my hopes with Crafting II may be a bit to high ;D

    in reply to: Grapple hook hotkeys #7831

    Customizable hotkeys will come for sure i think, but the Hook (or other traveling gear) should have a special slot (or slots) and own hotkeys, right. I hate to switch off the torch in caves when I start to climb again ^^

    in reply to: Whistling for attention #7830

    Whistling should be an emote like waving or “jumping wild shouting out loude for attention”. The idea with the echo would be real cool. May be a good torch or Zippo would do the job as well, but echos for the ambient atmosphere of caves or mountain sides will bring the right feeling 😉

    in reply to: World size #7829

    I would love a world like a ring, where you can build inside and look up to the other half of the world, like in Sigil, City of Doors (Planescape Campaign Setting of AD&D/D&D) … or Halo, for all the non RPG’ers out there ;D

    in reply to: Bag (Inventory) & Trading #7731

    Yeah, the idea of not only have more slots but also the possibility for bigger stacks in a bag (cuz of magic or high-tech) sounds real good. It would also be giving your inventory a way to be more “specific”. For example as an explorer or hunter I need many slots for all the different stuff like plants, leathers or gems I find, but if I play as a miner for building ressources it would be better to go for larger stacks. And if you need both your bags could get real expansive.

    *Thumbs-up* for it! ;D

    in reply to: Better/Realistic MMO RPG Mechanics: #7720

    Hmmm, sounds quite like WoW … Why having the same Curency-Calc? I think it should be more unique, like “1000 Gold = 1 Gold-Block” for example. The same with the quests. The good old “kill x of y to get z” or “bring a to b to recieve c” sounds quite boring (but may be ok if it would be used in procedural created quests to kill free time between the real activities 😉 ). And the NPCs, well, they would be cool, but to repair I would prefer the usage of an anvil or workbench 😉

    in reply to: Quest System – Procedurally Generated? #7719

    Procedural Quests would be wonderful! It would fill a big whole I feel on other MMOs when I finished the last quest on an area and just see the cool landscape – but no cause to go there. I also like the idea to use this method to get some rare mats or upgrades, but how would it be to get tokens or points for a faction on the world to trade with them? …

    Thumbs up for this whole idea!! ;D

    in reply to: Add an ARROW to the minimap please #7558

    He ment an arrow as a pointer where the player stands on the mini map. I think it would be a nice addition to ad the function to switch from a moving to a fixed map, so that you have a map, that rotates or an arrow in the middle which showes you, where you are facing and the map is fixed to point to north/up. That would be great for navigating (I for example like not rotating maps 😉 )

    in reply to: Oort progress and dev. action plan #7557

    I especialy like that the team is giving updates in a high rate, so there is a feeling of constant progress. For example we got the mini map and a 64bit client (working through the beta-option in steam) in the last couple of days. For me it became a ritual to run my steam on my laptop in the morning just to have a look if it got another update ;D

    Also, they are realy listening to the players, not only here in the forums but also on FB or Twitter. I allways have the feeling, that my opinion is heard and taken seriously. It’s a good feeling 😉

    in reply to: Chat System? #7518

    I think a system where you are able to chat from capital to all other capital’s beacons would be good. The Idea of being able to come to a city to trade but to be able to reach not only one world there can be helpful but still doesn’t breake the feeling. I think it should be able to link to those channels with other beacons, but that should be a task which is not easy to do – like gathering many rare materials to create a the token for it. So It would be able for guilds or people who realy want that, but not every day every where 😉

    in reply to: 2 Mousebuttons – 2 Hands #7493

    How’s about having only few slots for left button and one key for switching (Like pressing tab to switch between Sword, Pickaxe and Bow) while using the mousewheel and number keys for the other Items on your right hand (Blocks, Hook and may be shields or spells)? On this way you also could use a hook next to a pickaxe to mine in a vertical tunnel or use a sword to defend you while holding a torch in the darkness.

    Sorry for warming up this old thread with this idea, but I just had the inspiration to do so ;D

    PS: I would never even thinking about playing this game with a touchscreen, but may be you can switch between the “old school” system and the new one, so it will be still playable on tablets 😉

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Birne.
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