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Participantits USD and its over paypal 😀
Participantit is. they are working on it atm.
Participantwhen you break stoneblocks and place them again they are an entirely different type of block. im making a cave arena, and its kind of annoying that i can replace things i accidentally break without it looking stupid.
Participantwell i like the idea of it too, everything you protest though grim is mostly you saying ”this is useless because I dont like it” its gonna get ya hated tbh.
But he is right though, i dont think farming is going to be that big a part of this game compared to caves and stuff, but later on if thye do actually make you able to make giant farms that are needed then it would be very useful.Zouls
Participantlimting to 1 character would be stupid. thats why you want everybody able to make and do everything. being able to make multiple characters is adding a choice to the game which is never bad, and most of us wants to have different characters for different things, and claiming people can grief and just delete the character is horrible argument, if they do that you can report it to the dev team and they can ban the entire account like in any game.
ParticipantWell. we both want completely different things in most cases, i know that i can be stuborn as hell while it seems so can you, but thats only good for the dev team if we can discuss what we think should and shouldnt be from 2 entirely diffrent angles 😀 But yeah, i dont think you should be able to carry around an anvil or a forge with you, but ofc if you have like wooden sticks you can make a campfire on the ground or something like that
Participanti’m still not going away from my 1 from specilized crafting, but i think crafting should take time too rather than just materials, no place in history can you see anybody make a sword in 5 sec.
So continuing on crafting stations i’d like to see 4 block forges which takes 4 voxels in a square and where you can make 1 item at a time, a 9 square forge where you can make 3 items and a 16 square where you can make 5 items, that way it makes the most sense to build the big one which is gonna take alot of mats rather than just making 4 small ones.
So if i have to make a sword for someone i would get the materials, form it and throw it into a forge, after 5 min i have to take it out to hammer it on an anvil that comes with the forge and then put it back in where it will lay 10 minutes more and after taking it out and cooling it down it would be done, that way people would still have to do something for makign it and you wouldnt just be able to make 100 in 1 min just because you have the mats.Zouls
Participanti’d love to be able to have a first and last name, that way i can keep my name Zouls over all my characters and if i want to roleplay being siblings or relatives with my friends we can use the same last name 😀
Participantwell for once ya actually said something that made sense for crafting, im 100% for the idea, everything else would just be stupid.
Participantthe last 30 min they have gotten 500 dollars, thats enough of a boost? XD
ParticipantWell. i for one believe in them, and to answer your question from my point of view atleast, they have 23,5k founded already out of 40k they were aiming for in just a little under a week, and as far as i can see they planned to get that in ½ a year.
I have seen alot of youtubers buy the game and show it off, which is why its starting to get so much attention. so i honestly think they are going to get way more than they expected to get funded, and they really seem to listen to people and what they want. im going to buy the 95 dollar pack when i get money tommorw, and if you compare it to like buying starbucks or candy or whatever then in the end it isnt that much money.Zouls
Participantthey talked about beacons, how you claim an area and only you can build or destroy anything in the area, like that you only you can build but only also you can claim the mats in the area, i think that everything that is build or dug without a claim will be remade like everquest next.
Participantyeah apologies too, i really like the idea but crafting is make it or break it in this game, and i would prob drop it if its only something as simple as boring as minecraft, cause this isnt bloody minecraft, this is its own game
Participantin the end its a worthless discussion though, i say what i think would be able to keep people interested in the game from the crafting side while you think would be the easiest for loners, we wont get anywhere, i just dont want this game to be doomed before its even started
Participantso you use real life?
i’d like to see you survive 2 weeks without help from others -