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  • in reply to: Ways to spend earned gold. #3817

    Right at this moment I had an other idea which may be a little bit extreme. How about a set amount of money in all of the worlds? (globally) Every monster or monster type would have a set amount of gold which they could drop and if they dropped all of that there would be nothing to get anymore. Same principle with the items that way there won’t be any inflation too.
    Now if a (most likely higher tier) monster kills player they’ll drop all or a percentage of their money and maybe items and the monster gets it as loot from them to lose in further battles. And if a monster accumulates enough money it shares it with the monster type which has the least amount of gold left to lose.
    With this the low level monster won’t “dry out” and if then the players had to go to the higher level monster and might lose so the lower level monster would have gold and maybe items again.
    It seems a little bit extreme but I’d imagine it would be a rather good thing if implemented correctly. What do you think about it?

    I also like the ideas of your money eaters^^
    Either way we need something to stop game dependend inflation or deflation.

    in reply to: API Oort Online #3815

    That would be great but atm there’s not that much to display. I’d rather wait until the game is at least stable.

    in reply to: Making a guest book #3797

    I like this idea^^

    in reply to: Introduce yourself #3795

    Well then^^ I’m 19 and from Switzerland and found the game through the Swisssmp Forum (a Minecraft and other games forum^^)
    I were searching for a good MMO for years now. The one which came closest was Runescape but I hope that Oort will meet my expectations and exceed all other MMOs^^

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Kuma.
    in reply to: Crafting and books make games fun? hooray! #3790

    I mean that a player has the same possibilities to make a book like the devs when they make books which generate in dungeons or are drops from monsters. That way you never know if the Book is from a Player or from a Dev. And it makes the game more immersive that way.

    in reply to: Crafting and books make games fun? hooray! #3783

    You put a lot of thought in that. I really like the idea of having a choice if you want to tear a page out and add it to your journal or just have the book. Because I’d like to have a big library and a handy crafting journal. Maybe you can only have a certain amount in your journal to keep librarys interesting and you shouldn’t be able to tear pages out of books from others/library books.

    Edit: I think it should be possible as a player to make books which look exactly the same as generated ones.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Kuma.
    in reply to: Updates & Bug Fixes #3757

    I will cover the changes in my next video, great update!

    in reply to: Water in the cave systems #3744

    Anglerfish sound like a good monster type for the depths of caves and seas^^

    in reply to: *Unofficial* Oort VoIP servers? #3726

    nice me too^^ (jo ist komisch aber es sollen halt alle verstehen was wir schreiben xD)

    in reply to: *Unofficial* Oort VoIP servers? #3723

    Well I’m swiss so if we are alone we can speak german^^ I look that I can be online tomorrow too most likely in the afternoon^^

    in reply to: Inventory ideas! #3722

    Well this sounds like an interesting idea but I would rather have a grid where I can see my blocks with one view than a list or a grid you’d have to scroll through. Beside that the inventory now is easier to manage than one which is based on percentages I think^^

    in reply to: *Unofficial* Oort VoIP servers? #3720

    Could it be that you are German?^^ (Because of your name^^)

    in reply to: Bugs. Will update as I find them #3687

    The focus doesn’t adjust if you look through glass. The glass block is (kind of logically) always in the focus^^

    in reply to: Rent-a-plot, Toll block and more #3680

    Yea the ideas are good^^ but they need to be polished^^

    in reply to: Forging and Smiting #3677

    Yea it should appeal to everyone^^ And I like what you did with the hammers^^

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 240 total)