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  • in reply to: Character Races is the next feature. #6441

    If there was an option for a more fleshed out world (block options) and an improved slope system, that’s what I would have voted for, allowing us to build even better buildings than we have to date (correct me if I’m wrong, but everything in terms of “look at this awesomeness” was in relation to the structures being made).

    Want a bigger selling point? Block options and improved slope system IMO.

    in reply to: Combat skills / utility skills #6387

    I never understood the need of players to be able to master all skills. No single human is a master of all trades, their jacks of all trades at best.

    Like the old expression, Jack of all trades, Master of none.

    For a community based game, it would remove the community aspect if everyone can do everything themselves. Furthermore, it would remove anything trade, as everyone can get/do everything on their own.

    I think a “Master All Skills” system is the worst. It’s a system that divides communities more than brings them together.

    in reply to: How do I make my game look like the trailer? #5958

    Edit… never mind what I had lol, I just read what you have for gear and it’s much better than mine. I don’t know what to tell you then.

    I am concerned tho about this 10 minute area load time for you, my visible area loads within a matter of a minute. Maybe send in the specs and issue to the devs directly.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    in reply to: How do I make my game look like the trailer? #5944

    Mine looks essentially the same as in the video, only more crisp.

    My graphics

    in reply to: Tools and Weapons #5860

    Mold’s, components, special additions to add unique attributes, blueprints, etc. Higher level crafting should require certain things which can be found exploring the worlds of Oort, giving a really unique crafting system.

    If any mold can be used to make a blade/arrowhead/spearhead etc, which can be attached to any hilt/shaft etc, and have potential attributes such as fire, or ice, using special rare materials, this opens a huge array of crafting options, the type of mold, material and the level of skill you have determine the outcome of the quality of components you make, this can hold true for alot of things, including potions, refining, etc.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    in reply to: Goal reached news? #5858

    No, you’re missing the point, screenshots consist of a variety of buildings, that all look the same in the end, because their made using A, B and C materials, they all look the same even tho their different. You keep going on about screenshots, when you know more block options will make much better screenshots then your precious character models.

    Most on steam are kids LOL good one there fella. Nobody I’ve met in game is a “kid”, you might be, but that doesn’t mean everyone on steam is. That’s like saying “I think this way, so everyone else must think this way too.”

    Character races would add something to the game, nobody is denying that, but I think you’re being a bit naive in thinking the customer base are kids.

    You want to know who their target audience is? Anyone who’s played minecraft, zelda or an MMO in general… I HIGHLY doubt that consists entirely of kids… Furthermore, most of the current players are builders anyway, and not a single one of them I’ve met in game cares about their Orange Block model, they want more blocks, slopes, and block options.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    in reply to: Goal reached news? #5845

    Of course visuals are important, but their least important. Block types, slope/rotational system, and the beginning parts of crafting for things like signs, chest’s, and other basic requirements for a game of this type. To allow people to build beautiful buildings, with a few pieces of décor and furniture, that will make a much better SS then what races will add to it.

    I’m not saying races isn’t a priority, but is it really a priority over other things? Can it not wait until the buildings we’re taking pictures of look absolutely breathtaking and diverse? Right now, there are several building concepts, which is all good, but their all limited to a small amount of options for building materials, slopes, and block rotation ability. Not to mention things like doors, connecting glass (so a pane of glass more than 1×1 doesn’t look ridiculous like vanilla minecraft).

    Flesh out the world, then flesh out the players.

    My friend and I build a 1:1 replica of Super Mario 1 (NES) in Lemde close to the Capital, and while it looks good, with the right kind of building blocks it could look much better. Swing thu, check it out sometime.

    Edit, just checked, we apparently have 1-2 as well now.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    in reply to: Goal reached news? #5828

    You clearly misread my post entirely… if you think I think they should leave us as orange blocks, you totally misread what I wrote.

    CURRENTLY, we’re nothing but a bunch of orange blocks, and as I stated in another thread, that these orange blocks are placeholders.

    Come on man, I’m 33 years old, I’ve been playing games since the early 1980’s on my old mans 286 computer (anyone else remember BC’s Quest For Tires?), my first console was an Atari 2600. If anyone knows the importance of graphics, content, and story/lore, it’s this guy right here. And to be honest, Graphics is the LEAST important thing on the list…

    To prove my point, is the 17 million copies of Minecraft sold, on PC/mac/linux alone, the next contender is Word of Warcraft, with 14 million copies sold. Across all platforms, minecraft has sold over 54 million copies, leaving only 3 other titles besting it cross platform, Tetris (184 million copies), Wii Sports (82 million copies) and Oregon Trail (65 million copies) again, none of which have astounding, or even slightly advanced graphical aspects.

    Minecraft remains at the top of the sales list, despite it’s ridiculously outdated graphics, with the character being nothing more than a slightly textured combination of blocks and rectangles.

    Give more block options, and features with said blocks (dare I say machines) and THAT will convert many minecrafters in and of itself. People don’t care what they look like in games like this, they care about what they build looks like…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Pharoah.
    in reply to: Unstable Wormhole #5816

    had a really good reply, but for some reason the site logged me out and I lost it.

    anyway, to the point of the topic I was making before the website so rudely interrupted me.

    I think this would be an extremely good method of introducing the travel between worlds. For example, player from their native world kill titans on their home planet, and acquire shards, unstable wormholes could be an event, allowing players to go to a random new world, because the wormhole is unstable, it could dissipate at any time, so players may or may not have the ability to get back home, unless they bring along a shard from their home planet, fight a titan, get a shard from the foreign world, and make a gate between the 2 worlds. Gates would require a shard from each world to be opened and remain stable.

    Imagine being a lone tradesmen, travelling the worlds trading and selling shards, this would be a market too, because unstable gates would be an uncommon event, and lie I said, players may or may not be able to get back home, or make it to the gate on time.

    If the devs look at this thread and consider implementing it, I’ll be in my glory, this will add several thousand hours of game play in and of itself.

    in reply to: Unstable Wormhole #5814

    That’s like me, I have several ideas I’ve been working on over the past several years and sort of tying them together, but no artistic or programming skills to put forth, unfortunately for people like us, ideas are a dime a dozen, the skills to see an idea to fruition is what’s uncommon.

    in reply to: Unstable Wormhole #5812

    bro, what are you doin lol, based on all the suggestions I’ve seen from you, and some are very well thought out, you have enough to get your own game goin that will be unique in it’s own ways.

    Great suggestions 😀

    in reply to: Cheaper alpha access #5809

    I’m not disagreeing, however, the fact is, Games are not considered products by any consumer board (except one in europe somewhere) and therefore, have absolutely no commercial standards. For example, a game development company can develop a game, completely lie about everything about it, specifically to get you to buy the product, and there is nothing you can do legally to regain your money unless it’s a physical product and you purchased it at a store with a return policy, and even then, it has to be unopened (specially considering computer games). Things like Kickstarter and Early Access are actually a plague on the gaming industry almost as a whole, for the simple reason developers can half produce a game, and receive finished game revenues, and as long as there is no consumer standard protecting the consumer from shotty developers, it’ll continue to be this way.

    Early Access and Kickstarter should have things in place to prevent such acts, but don’t. Look at Stomping Grounds, the game was even removed from purchase on steam by Valve because there was a complete disconnection between both steam and the developer, and the playerbase and the developer. It’s back on the store now, but simply because it was taken over by someone else who has been actually working on it. However, the issue isn’t that the developer stopped developing, it’s that steam basically said “You bought it, oh well” which is their motto for any such situation. Steam *MIGHT* grant you a single refund, but don’t hold your breath for that.


    I highly doubt their going to make a completely unique item for every player in the game that bought the larger packages, however, I could be entirely wrong.

    Most games that offer unique rewards for certain levels of purchase are truly not unique at all, unless it has a random stat generator for the items.

    in reply to: Cheaper alpha access #5804

    Welcome to world of Early Access. The game was just released not long ago, it doesn’t have much going for it in it’s current state except building, and even then, is lacking many features.

    Many developers are releasing their early builds for top dollar, because it includes everything from alpha, to beta, to full release.

    Now, do I agree that Alpha games should cost this kind of money? No, I don’t agree, but at the same time, I don’t agree we should have to pay property tax, I also don’t agree that we should need food to continue living, nor do I agree that it makes sense that Canadians can’t defend or protect themselves without risking legal action such as assault (even if the other guys has a weapon, we have to call the cops, ONLY option).

    While I don’t agree with any of these things, it’s simply the way it is now, and with people the way they are these days (lazy and unmotivated) it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

    in reply to: Multiple grapples possible #5781

    never even thought about this lol, gotta give this a try

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