Forum Replies Created
Participantyou send your game username to them with a tag and the version you bought and then they will add the game to your GA.ME account and then you can log in 😀
Participantfirst and foremost, you guys need some cool franchise like posters or shirts and then allow shipping to Denmark.
As for the donation, i think alot of us are willing to give money simple for the sake of supporting the game, and therefore i think you should go with the first solution.
also if you are going to make it please allow us to pay with normal credit cards and not paypal only, my account is messed up so i cant use it >.<
Participantwe all want that, i want them big enough to actually walk on, so you need to attack specific points on their body, attack on titan style or shadow of the collosus style, but i would still like as written above for them to be different, so some of them are slightly smaller and much faster and some are bigger and slower but have more health.
Participant1) nobody knows, not even the devs, so if you can convince them that it works then there is a chance you will see it ingame
I imagine dualwielding is limited to specific weapons (ofc) out of pure balance, but if you sat that aside and made a darksouls ish weapon system where if you have enough strength you can dualwield any weapons it would be epic. but for balancing reason i imagine that being hard as hell. so dualwielding 1hand weapons, axes, swords, daggers, we can go with sickles (mini scythes) too.
usually specific items are under specific categories, so 2 hand weapons (hammer, swords, axes) are slow but hit hard. 1 hand (sword, axe, dagger, sickle) are faster and deal less dmg and then magic (tomes, crystals, scepters, staffs) have no physical stats but increase your magic dmg, some games uses daggers though as a cataclyst cause of the sacrificial values of it wow included, so it might be the case that you have holy daggers (that would actually be freaking badass)
and with the building, atm it looks like it, but to counter it you could do like trove where you could press tab to switch between building and fighting mode, its actually a really good question because that is something that is going to be a big part of the game. i think the easiest would be you had a fighting mode where you had your weapons, and your abilities on your hotbar, and you could tab to get build mode with all your blocks and stuff. so you could be instantly ready if you get attacked.
Participantit is a pretty cool feature though, i wouldnt mind it if i could turn it off or have it in another stat screen.
and the first option, go read ”Assassin” on community hub, that is why i dont want people to get a notification on who killed them
Participantto both ideas : meh
i want weapon naming and flavor text ingame and already made a post for it, but i dont think you should get a killed by weapon, not even player if it can be avoided, i wouldnt mind something like ”killed by sword” or ”killed by poison arrow” but it would be way more interesting to be able to play an unknown assassin if you dont get your name revealed whenever you pvp kill
and the kill stat count is also kinda meh, you should have a stat page for kills in general but i dont think they should show on weapon since that would feel not lore friendly at all…
but just a matter of taste.
ParticipantAllow people to use RGB scale so you can paint any wood/leaf/rock any color that way the worlds are going to look way more different than using the pre determined color set atm
Participantmaps will be craftable items and atm the planned system is that at any point you stand you can create a token specific for that point, and later you or someone else can put it into the map and it will pop up as a waypoint.
Personally i would prefer a type of explorer system too, so you needed to mark down your location to a map piece before you could see it on the map, but again maps are still up for discussion, go to community hub for oort and see the thread ”minimap on/off, compass” that i started and read what the devs answered and also write what you would like specifically to see 😀
ParticipantWhat is your definition of ”a camp”?
nothing in these sentences makes any kind of sense what so ever, so please try to explain further what you mean by it and people can come discuss 😀
Participantit would be kinda cool, and they have stated that they are going to make a sort of blueprint blocks, that can be placed so people can see where to build.
the devs said that all maps and compasses are going to be craftable items, so maybe they will add a builder map 😀Zouls
Participantseasons would be weird, every biome is different so i doubt that they can make the biomes switch, and even if they could i wouldnt want it.
this is more like onepiece, where in the grand line every island have its own season, so there are winter, spring, summer and fall islands, and winter always stays in winterZouls
Participantatm, dying
but trust me they are going to add it later onZouls
Participantthis is not earth. more like an alternate dimension where anything can happen, but i see what ya mean though it doesnt bother me even the slightest
Participantuse I for infinite blocks.
ParticipantYeah i’d like it, Because i’m an explorer/crafter at heart, i also think that some of the places with better materials should be really hard and require atleast 2 people, and that ores should only be mineable if you have enough skill, some with wood and things as that, so that way you could make mercenary guilds who would do work and help people who need it.
but yeah i think it would be hard as hell to make but it would be pretty cool if different creatures and worlds are harder than others so everyone have something to do. -