Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOooh, good idea! I like it.
ParticipantMy vote is for a skill tree. It gives a better overview of the whole personal journey.
ParticipantHmmm, not big on the whole negative reputation there, people could give you a negative review even if they bought a good book from you. People can be very annoying when they wanna. A random preview of your book can easily prevent this. Though I do think that a short summary on the back of the book would be lovely. Hadn’t thought of that one, actually ^^
ParticipantI dislike the use of guns really. Don’t know why. Very much pro for reusable weapons that have a medieval atmosphere to ‘m though. Things like bows ‘n arrows; swords of all kinds, throwing knives, anything that can be made with the use of simple tools really.
You can update ‘m. Add poison to arrows and blades and give ‘m colored feathers to indicate what sort of poison they’re dipped in (slow or fast poison), use strong/weak wood for durability and re-usability. Use woods/stone/copper/metal/iron for your weapons to make ‘m stronger and more efficient and so on…
ParticipantPersonally, I’ve always been much into what happened with Guild Wars 2. They introduced a small creature in it’s predecessor that became playable in the second version. It came from underground, was small and slightly fuzzy, but had a very smart ability to create golems and toy around with magic. It’s been my favorite character next to all those hugs and bulky characters. So as soon as Oort Online will introduce something like this, I know what mine will be.
As for racial benefits? I don’t really know nor do I care, it made things all the more interesting but equally confusing when I was playing Oblivion back in the days. I guess I just prefer it to be more for looks only at this point. I’m shallow like that? :p
ParticipantI hadn’t seen this part of the forum yet, but covered my opinion on this topic for the most part here over here:
I was a big fan in GW2 of the cracked armor and would like to see this return here. But it raises the question what would happen if one doesn’t have armor on? Perhaps it be best to pay a small fee for the fairy-man? I’d like to see that happen, as it’s quite original in my opinion.
ParticipantUpon entering a new world, you stumble upon a forgotten battlefield.
All of a sudden, a spectral entity rises up before you, warning you for the dangers that lie ahead?Master_Chill
ParticipantSeems like a few of you got some great ideas about this. As long as I just don’t get to have any toll/added weakness on my character when I do die. That’s just one huge moodkiller. I do could live with cracked armour though. That’s more realistic at least.
Should I die though, might I perchance request to keep my iventory? Take me back to the last town or marker I passed or whatnot, but please don’t let me lose half/all of my inventory. That sort of stuff just makes me want to go back in time and never start the game in the first place!
ParticipantWow, that’s one. Long. List. Personally, I’ve always been very confused when a lot of math becomes involved into the stats of my armor/weapons. I’d rather see to it that they’d avoid this sorta thing with Oort Online. Perhaps it can still be integrated, but in a more visual way then. You mentioned for example the adding leaves thing, that should give you more stealth then, the more blows in your armour, the more damage you get, and so on.
I’m all for upgrades and enchantments though, but on a limited palette. Otherwise you’ll become overpowered against enemies and new players, and there’s just no fun in that. For both parties, in both immediate and long term results. Same goes for Singleplayer-XP, when you encounter a Titan on your own, you’re just better of running/using stealth, and join up with more players (it’s an MMO after all) to come back and kill it.
I’m a great fan of the whole personalisation of armour, with dents & cracks included. But I’m not so sure about the various effects all those weapons will create. It seems a bit confusing to me. Unless you actually get to see the effect on your enemies. But won’t that be too gruesome on more sensitive/younger players? I don’t know.
PS Titan fur. Niiiiiice 😀
ParticipantWow, all great ideas. Yes please! 😀
Participant+5 On the whole stealth idea. Wish I had this back in them Minecraft days.
ParticipantMan/woman after my own heart 😉
ParticipantI’m pretty sure that if and when the Titans will be introduced, they’ll be very hard to defeat. Ergo, it’s definitely going to be a teamjob. Hence, something a group of friends or guild will only be able to pull of. So, it’ll be pretty hard to get to ‘m and not one person alone will be able to get ‘m. So that 14 year old who’s neglecting all his homework won’t be able to pull this of by his own.
Secondly, I suggest a respawn time on those Titans after a long while. Not like in WoW, where it just takes a few hours, but more something down the line of a week or something. So that it has an influence on the local tradingroute that otherwise would be blocked or whatnot.
This way, multiple groups will be able to obtain said precious and mega ultra rare item we all so desire with our grabby hands.
ParticipantOoh my, hadn’t even thought of that. Though I’d add a preview mode of the books when you wanna sell ‘m though. This way, nobody can cheat upon eachother and you actually know what you’re gonna buy before you buy the book.
ParticipantWe don’t just like this idea, we love it almost to the point where it can make or break your game. For me, this is the second most important feature I’d like to see happening to this game (trading is the first thing btw) after the initial world-features are made.
“Why?”, you’ll ask? Simple, it might’ve been said, but I *hate* to be only being able to build the outside of a building. Years of Minecraft made that happen for me. I used to build whole cities in that game. Without mods. Pure vanilla. I can provide proof of the last city I was building when I decided to quit purely out of boredom. There was no reason in the end anymore. Nothing to fill ‘m with except improvised chairs out of what were actually stair blocks, tables that were actually pistons and so on. No npc’s/real players who would come live with me and so forth… I really hope to see all of this change with this game.
So yes, please gimme gimme gimme all that you can come up with.
– Crossed swords on my walls
– Bookshelves with real books
– Various items on shelves for shops or in-house
– Tables with use-able items on it
– Carpets
– Fishtanks even if you wanna make ‘m
– A small space (with a drink tin & a few chew toys of course) for my pet
wolf to sleep
– A comfy bed
– A decent wardrobe with use-able clothes
– A coathanger for my hats
– A weaponrack to store my weapons (pretty *please* x3)
– Frameworks for paintings/maps that I or other people made
– Cupboards & a fridge for my plates should you decide to add food and
hunger features.
– Small busts to place around the house of Titans I conquered with my
– Make models of flying enemies and hang ‘m on the ceiling with a piece of
– Being able to put the head of enemy mobs on plaques on my walls.
– Being able to write signs to name our house/shops/whatnot.
– A way to have lamps/candles on every surface, even on the ceiling. Not
just a big, square block. Big square blocks are very off-putting,
design-wise. Plus it adds tons of atmosphere to one’s home.
– Standard desks and chairs to sit on.So yes, I’d *very* much like to see all of this happen at some point. I don’t care when, even if it’s the last thing you’ll add to the game, but it’s gotta be in there at some point, please. I’ve been promised a home instance, a place of my own or whatever it’s called in various games, all to end in failure of effort at the developers end. So I compensate, amend, compromise in mind, or create alternatives for myself. But in the end, it’s all makebelieve. This time, I’d love to actually see it happen. Minecraft and Oblivion came very close, but it still wasn’t good enough to my taste. In order to show of what I’ve done ingame (even if it’s almost nothing), I want to actually be able to make/maintain it without bugs.
I might sound harsh now, but it’ll pay of in the end. In my opinion is this part of the stuff what makes or breaks a sandbox game.
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This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by