Forum Replies Created
MemberUpdated with more builds!
MemberI was wondering what was towering nearby. Great job!
MemberThat was just a work in progress screenshot 🙂 it took a while to finish the outerparts since I kept falling from the circle everytime i’m {LERPING}. I’ve always seen that word appear everytime I rubberband.
MemberI support this idea! 🙂
MemberI’m not sure if this is lag or a bug but whenever you break a block it sometimes think you’re still holding down left click. Continuing to dig down in a random direction for a little while (about 5 or so blocks) until you can click anything again.
(just happened in [hell1] (36.27,63.90, -9.47) )
MemberI joined you guys! I sorta live a bit farther to the east of everyone’s buildings though.
MemberI didn’t say it was a key… I was hoping for it though in my earlier replies, but the reason why I made both instant access cost 95$
(separate to the launch keys) was because of the price of wayfarer (Now with the update of the tiers, both instant accessed accounts get the bonuses). All of the pricing I did is just speculation anyway. I hope I wasn’t confusing you.All in all, most of the money going to them is for supporting the game’s development. keys or not, we’re just supporting them right now.
Memberupdated! I’m not so sure about the moving borders though. Perhaps restricting beacons around the wastelands/dense forests/sand ruins (in a certain pattern to keep gaps in between beacons just in case) is better?
MemberYou misread what I said. 4 launch keys cost 60$ total (15$/key).
MemberI think most of the cost comes from buying 2 Instant access(190$) and 4 launch keys(60$. totaling 250$), not from the bonuses. They’re just there as a thank you to the main supporter. looking back at it now I’m starting to be in doubt that instant access counts as a launch key 🙁 seeing how lower tiers only give one launch key. If your friends want bonuses too Then I think it’s best if the four of you separately buy adventurer or wayfarer.
MemberI think this is where the developers are trying to solve the issue of mass-beaconing (or riddled blocks) by implementing guilds and cities. grouping the players together to create less clutter and more order. I’m still wondering how they’re going to work that out though… not all players are friendly once the official game is launched.
Still, Guilds could be one solution to controlling (hopefully ATLEAST) the population from filling the world with wooden houses and mini villages, but not so sure about the resources. We’re stronger and faster in numbers after all.
@Karko: My bad, I thought we were also discussing about the possibility of overpopulation since it also plays a role in keeping other players from finding resources (such as walling off every cavern of ores with beacons). I guess I was just imagining the world to be a lot smaller.
MemberOr stickied.
MemberI like it :D. A thumbs up for this!
An addition to your idea:
Being able to craft your own magical column (with your favored element/effect) and placing it in your home/city would both be a buff station and a nice decor.
magical attributes like the 4 main elements, lightning, miasma, and arcane would be nice too.
particle effects for arrows when shot (based on your attribute) would be a great addition too! I always loved seeing arrows fly with a trail of fire or light looked amazing whenever you fight enemies.
Member4 game keys(to officially play the game with others) for 250$ seemed a bit short to me is all (the bonuses coming with it is a huge plus though). We’ll just wait for clarification from the developers. But I’m pretty sure Instant Access means access to everything.