Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWell, it does brings to mind the many struggles I had in minecraft where I would’ve loved to hold a torch in my left hand whilst I’m digging with the other. Would be great to see this happen at some point, if possible.
ParticipantAlways pvp? The first thing I get from that is the next scenario where you are exploring with someone you hardly know (say a mercenary), to protect you while you’re digging, and you stumble upon a precious item/stone. Next thing you know, someone stabs someone else in the back. Now I don’t know about you guys, but I aint a fan of this.
Participant*shrugs* Guess I’ll just see what the dev’s eventually will cook up for us. ^^
ParticipantSomething came to mind the other day – what if Oort Online had books of it’s own (so, non-player made books) as well? Like as in Oblivion, where we could learn a certain skills by hunting down a specific book and read it? I personally would love to go to every town’s bookshop just to do this one thing. It gives a certain depth to the whole world of books in a game, I think.
ParticipantMan, that idea makes me really excited for the game! I really hope it’ll make it to the end. Imagine a caravan of traders: some are tattooists, others trade in bags, a few in general small items or small weapons and the lasts ones in food. That would make for some *really* nice screenshots! 😀
ParticipantWould just like to say that I’m very grateful for the excellent service on twitter. No clue who’s responsible, but they’ve got a great sense of humour. Keep it up fellas! 😉
ParticipantRukio, not just yet please. I have a question over which I’ve been pondering a bit lately. The Oort team mentioned that they’ll make the switch to Steam at some point, though I don’t recall having seen ‘when’ exactly. Personally, I don’t really prefer to use the paypal way unless I really really have to. So I’d very much like to use Steam to gain early acces at the start of 2015. And I’d like to do this over Steam, if possible.
My question to the dev’s who are reading this: Will it be possible to obtain the Alpha acces through Steam between now and let’s say December 2014?
ParticipantI’d like to have multiple character slots yes. Guild Wars 1 & 2 has these and I’m very happy they do. Though it’s only useful when you can legitimately create professions or classes. For example,
My First character Dun Brog, of the Watertribe Clan, is a terrific cook with exotic spices and animal ingredients. I’ve perfected his skilltree in the cooking class and would very much like to try out a new profession.
So I start a new character, this time I’ll go for a digger of the Dwarven Clan who goes by the name of Black Ash. He’s an excellent digger with a knack for creating armour of all sorts of items that you can find underground.
I’m just saying, it’s only useful when there are more classes and races to be explored.
PS Good idea too Grim, I especially love the way you explained it. “isuckandliketomakeotherssuffer”. Lol 😀
ParticipantI don’t know about other people around here, but I’m all for creating Dwarves. The more the merrier I’d say 😀
August 9, 2014 at 12:37 pm in reply to: Concerning the Mysterious and Fantastical Entities Hereto Known as Titans… #3132Master_Chill
ParticipantI’ve lost the first post where I brought this same issue up, but yes, I’d very much would like to see these Titans having a decent and very real impact on the surrounding land.
For example, traderoutes would be cleared when a Titan is defeated, allowing for more and better connections between cities. Once defeated, make it so that it takes a certain amount of time (for example, at least a week) before a new one will settle in it’s predecessor’s location. Otherwise, you’ll only create a certain amount of players that’ll ever have seen a Titan. Make every experience equal to every player, after all. But make it believable.
Personally, I’m still waiting for a big giant to emerge out of an epic-sized cave. Imagine if you will that you’re gathering up at a city with a large group of people, ready to set out from the nearest city to slay a giant Titan. Merchants and wandering traders have been talking about it for weeks, as they entered town. You finally set out with this group of mercenaries and go out for a two-day march to slay the beast.
After a while, you come upon a wide open space, where every tree has been broken down, and every animal is missing. You hear a distant growl. It has sensed our presence. All you see though, is a dark and giant cave at the end of this open space. Another growl and the earth underneath your feet starts to tremble. A giant shadow is being cast on the land as an epic creature climbs out of it’s home.. Game time.
ParticipantI’m a great advocate of all living things. Be it birds and ingame insects in swamps. Or giant moles like the ones you can find in the movie “City of Ember”. For the record, for those who haven’t seen it, they’re not the size of Godzilla ^^
Like it’s been said here before, I seriously disliked the vast emptiness of Minecraft. It disturbed me a lot for a long time. Even the repetitive nature of their spawn points annoyed me. Always in group, always at the same locations.. Animals do tend to flock, I realise this. But always in the same pre-determined locations and always in group? I highly doubt it.
ParticipantIt has a nice ring to it. I’ll admit it, but I’ve seen too many uses of magic in various games to have it in here as well. It’s a sandbox game. Crafting rules supreme in my opinion. You want magic? Every other fantasy game is filled with them. So unless it’s cleverly done and not overly dominant, I’d like it. But otherwise I’d rather craft all my stuff, really.
A nice thing that I’d like to see happening would be a certain Oort element that you’ll be able to find deep in the ground. This might be a bit mystical, so that it creates floating rocks when infused with this Oort element. But not much more other than this.
ParticipantI believe the designers of Oort Online had the same idea when they created the concept art, have a closer look at it, you’ll see a cow-like creature tugging away in the dirt in a small corner of one of the paintings.
ParticipantSomething that I read in your description boggles my mind. Inscriptions. I think tentacles and whatnot, I think Kraken in an instant, I’m sorry, I’ve seen too many pirate movies for that. But those inscriptions.. now that’s something very interesting I’d like to see happen.
An inscription to warden of enemies, create good luck charms and bring fortune to a house they’re written on.. And when left discarted and abandoned they go wild and create rogue, uncontrolled magic. Now there’s a lot of potential for haunted caves and ghosttowns alike! 😀